Friday, October 14, 2011

Helpful Hints and Halloween Decor Tutorial

      Helpful Hints and Halloween Decor Tutorial
       Stay awake until the end, I have a fun Halloween Decor Tutorial for you!  I have to share a quick "foodie" story with you that might entertain you.  I can cook my kids all the yummiest food in the world yet they are the pickiest eaters and would probably eat Ramen every single day if I let them.  Yes, Ramen, the most elegant of the "fast food" items we have in our house.  My daughter believes with all her heart that they are called Rotten Noodles.  So as she is playing with her friend the other day, I hear her tell her "My mommy always makes me Rotten Noodles.  She is really good at making them!  You should have her teach your mom!" Ha...I can't imagine what her mom thought when she ran home and told her to get some cooking tips on making Rotten Noodles.

       Okay first things first!  Did you clean out your fridge before you went shopping??  Always make sure you clean it out BEFORE you go...that way you know exactly what you have and what you  need.  That way there are no "surprises" waiting for you when you get home.  It is much easier to stick everything in there organized then to just throw it in there and not know where it belongs.

       Next I just wanted to throw in some of my helpful hints for cooking to make it easier on you!  I have a secret...I don't like cooking bacon!  I don't like the way my house smells for days after I cook it, I feel like it permeates the fabric in my couches and just lingers for days.  I buy Fully Cooked Bacon by Oscar Meyer.  It is more expensive...but definitely worth the money for me to buy this since all you do is microwave it and you are done.  I always microwave it a little more than it calls for because I like crispy bacon.

       Okay so I know some of you had trouble finding this Homade Chili Sauce.  It is found in the barbecue sauce section of Walmart or you can buy it at Macey's as well.  If you live out of state, I am not sure if they sell it anywhere else but here so you might want to fill me in.  This is my favorite sauce to use!  We are using it in this rotation for our tortilla chip dip and it is seriously delicious...try'll like it...I promise :)

       Next I have included a list of spices that I use all the time for seasoning.  I always have these on hand in my house along with the Fiesta Lime Seasoning by Mrs. Dash found here.  The Fiesta Lime is my favorite but any of these are great!

       Okay, are you ready for some Holiday Cheer??  No it is not Christmas but Halloween is a Holiday and with all this candy how can you NOT be cheerful??  I was searching for something to fill my apothecary jars with for Halloween.  I went to numerous stores only to find that they are already putting their Halloween stuff away and are on to Christmas...totally bypassing Thanksgiving!  Come on people! Anyways, I am sure someone somewhere has already thought of this but since I couldn't find anything I finally found some clear glass Christmas Balls on sale at Hobby Lobby for $3 for 12 and the ideas started spinning.  Here is what you will need.

       You will need a glass measuring jar...or any glass jar with a spout for easier pouring.  The trickiest part is getting the paint inside these little ornaments.  You will need 3 colors of Acrylic Paint in Black, Purple and Orange.  These are the 3 I used.  You will also need Clear Glass Christmas Ornaments like the one below..  I used glass, plastic might work but I didn't try it so don't take my word for it.
        Okay here is what you do and I am sorry I didn't take pictures of the whole process, it was a little tricky with just me as the camera man.  Choose which color you want to do first.  Squirt quite a bit of paint in your glass measuring jar.  Pour in just a TINY bit of water.  Seriously, don't overdo the water because it looks terrible inside your jar, all runny and you want it more opaque.  You can always add more water but you can't take it out.  Make sure you mix it really well after you add a little water.  Next remove the top of your ornament.  Pour the paint inside...yes inside the ornament.  Now you just turn your ball to spread the paint until it is evenly coating the whole ball then flip it upside down to dry on top of 2 paper towels.  Mine took 2 days to dry so you have to have some serious patience for this. While they are drying, paint the top part of the ornament that you know the part where the hook would go? I don't know all the technical terms for it :) Do that with all of your balls in different colors and you have this below!

 Now if that doesn't make you excited for Halloween I don't know what will :)

- Kristin


  1. Just came across your cute little blog! If you like Lowry's and cajun seasoning, you should try Tony Chachere's. YUMMY!

  2. Thanks for the recommendation Mandy! Sounds delicious, I will have to grab next time I go grocery shopping, I love trying new spices :)
